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In March, we proudly sponsored for the State International Development Organizations (SIDO) Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C. Our ThierryCEO of Source of Asia, has represented our commitment to fostering international development and enhancing global trade dynamics. This esteemed event has allowed us to support the state international trade agencies. Additionally, providing us an platform for collaboration, learning, and networking among industry leaders and professionals.

Key Highlights from the SIDO Leadership Forum

During the three-day forum, attendees engaged in high-level presentations on the US Trade Policy Agenda and participated in discussions at the Council on Foreign Relations. Our key topics included the impact of the China Plus One Strategy on international trade dynamics and best practices for state trade offices. 

Visit our moments at SIDO Leadership Forum here!

Furthermore, a highlight of the event was a reception at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates. The reception offered us the chance to network with meaningful connections. Hence, these interactions, including those with esteemed colleagues, Tatiana Miron and Rufiya Blank, provided valuable insights for collaboration in advancing international trade initiatives. 

Source of Asia had the honor of sponsoring the State International Development Organizations (SIDO) Leadership Forum held in Washington, D.C. in March 2024
Source of Asia had the honor of sponsoring the State International Development Organizations (SIDO) Leadership Forum held in Washington, D.C. in March 2024

Looking Forward: Our Future Plans

As we look ahead, Source of Asia remains committed to supporting and participating in future initiatives. This September, our Thierry will join the upcoming SIDO event at Salt Lake City. Therefore, we will update you with the latest insights & news. Otherwise, the opportunities for international development will be highlighted, especially for Vietnam, South Korea, Southeast Asia market.

Stay tuned for more information on our efforts! We hope to thrive our mission of supporting multinational businesses and enhancing investment opportunities regionally.

Any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!